And then the heavens opened

The drill continued into the next day and so we went off-site to work.

Work appears to be life at the moment as the flights are now booked for us to leave Cambodia on 13th June (2 weeks away) and there’s a lot left to do for the charity before we go.

It’s also started raining pretty much every day, which precludes any beach-based relaxation and pretty much anything else to be honest.

IMG20150528123224I have 12 computers now sitting in the shop up on Ekareach street which need to be delivered to the new school site but there are no windows in the new computer lab at the moment.  With the current deluge of rain (it’s at it again as I type and, yes, the internet has gone again), I’d prefer not to have the new computers in an unsecured building with torrential rain hammering in through the holes in the walls.  I guess I’ll be popping over to the shop in the rain and asking them if they can keep hold of the computers for a while longer.

IMG20150528123230The chief executive of the charity has been on the ground with us for the past couple of weeks, which has kept us very busy.  She’s wonderful and totally dedicated but any plans we had for a final trip to the islands or to see Kampot before we left are now on hold.  I guess that will be next year.

We were invited yesterday for a pre-opening tasting at a guesthouse in Otres 2.  It’s between the river and the sea and is absolutely stunning!  As was the food.

IMG_2300Corinne is really looking forward to getting back to Egypt for the simple pleasures – a sofa with cushions on it, a bed which doesn’t sink in the middle.  An oven, even though it’s on bricks.  Absence of rain.  Dry desert heat.  Cheap public transport.

I’ll miss this place a lot, but I am looking forward to a simpler, less humid country.  Cambodia is wonderful but always seems to be running at 100%, which is why we like to find our little hideaways where we can stare at the sea for a few hours.

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