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And then the heavens opened
The drill continued into the next day and so we went off-site to work. Work appears to be life at the moment as the flights are now booked for us to leave Cambodia on 13th June (2 weeks away) and … (read more)

Oh we do like to be beside…
Early start next day and a 4 hour nail-biting drive back from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. We landed back in our apartment and battened down the hatches. Since being back in Snooky we’ve been mostly working, when the internet would … (read more)

A light lunch, then death in the countryside
After lunching at a street cafe we called our driver and he dodged us through the traffic for about 40 minutes until we came into the countryside. Arriving at “Choeung Ek Genocide Centre” we exited the tuk tuk, paid our … (read more)

A fun morning at S21
So, with mum & dad safely on the plane and an upset wife to deal with, I decided to cheer her up by taking her first to Tuol Sleng Genocide museum (S21) followed by Choeng Uk Genocide centre (the Killing … (read more)

And then there were four
After surviving Khmer New Year, with the population explosion and bad-pyjama fashion failures, it was time to get excited as mum & dad were on their way out to us for a visit. We had arranged for a car to … (read more)